Check out these alternatives, or learn to be a good little slave
By Joe Newby - November 2, 2018
If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard or seen conservatives pine for a free-speech alternative to Facebook, I could retire a very wealthy man.  Recently, as we and others have reported, Facebook — the site appropriately dubbed “Iron FistBook” by cartoonist A.F. Branco — has engaged in what can only be called a digital version of “Kristallnacht,” appearing to target mostly conservatives, punishing them for daring to earn a living through their hard work.

Whenever we report these abuses — and that’s what they are — conservatives wonder when someone is going to create a free speech alternative.

The truth is, there’s already several in operation just waiting for you.

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Should military force be used to stop the caravan of migrants marching toward the U.S. border?  
Latest: CNN op-ed suggests 'sex strike' before midterms to help Democrats

Here’s just a few (with many thanks to our friend Jeff Dunetz, for putting quite a bit of this together):

SITE                              URL     Who Is It For
Codias         Conservatives
MEWe     All ideologies but no censorship
Mumbl It    #maga and #redwave #trump #patriots!
Deplorables On Line    If you have to ask…
ProAmerica Only    Conservative patriots, Trump supporters
Trump Book    Do you really have to ask?
Tea Party Community    Conservatives
Social Cross    Anyone who follows the Judeo-Christian worldview
Minds    All ideologies, no censorship
OneWay    Similar to Minds and MeWe, features top conservative news sites
Gab    A Twitter alternative but is currently down
There are other sites, and we will add them as we find them.  If you know of an alternative not listed here, please let us know in the comment section below.

Granted, none of these sites have the reach Facebook has.  But think about it — Mark Zuckerberg didn’t start with two billion users.

So what are your choices?  You can jump ship, or maybe you’re one of those who love being under Mark Zuckerberg’s thumb.  Fine — that’s your choice.  Maybe you like being treated like someone out of George Orwell’s “1984.”  Perhaps you need someone to tell you what to think, or what you’re allowed to see.

But the choice is yours.  You can use more than one social media site, get off Facebook completely, or stay on Facebook exclusively.  But if that’s your choice, remember — you’re not a customer, you’re the product.

Worse yet, you’re Facebook’s slave…

And if that’s your choice, don’t complain when you get abused… And trust us, you will.

Facebook thought
This is a joke, but could it become a reality on Facebook in the future?
And to be clear, we’d like to see Facebook get squared away, because it is a fantastic tool with great potential.  But the current enforcement regime — which more resembles the “Thought Police” — looks more like something out of Orwell’s classic novel.  And it doesn’t appear the company is ever going to change for the better.

Facebook Illegally Obtained Your Medical Records – Major Lawsuit Underway

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Facebook has been getting quite a bit of bad press lately, with the Cambridge Analytica debacle, the data breach that affected 50 million users, and most recently, taking down the pages of a triple-amputee vet who paid the social media giant over $300,000 for advertising.

Now, according to the Sokolove law firm, Facebook was given the medical records of many Americans by hospitals & healthcare facilities. That is illegal & is a violation of state privacy laws!

Earlier this year, Facebook was in fact in discussions with major hospitals and asked them for the medical data of their patients. Facebook wanted to combine the medical data with the data they had collected about their users so they could “help” people. Apparently, Facebook cares about our well-being now, or it was just about doing whatever it takes, including breaking the law to make money!

Mainstream media covered the story, although, Facebook told reporters that the project never got past the planning stages. But Sokolove Law begs to differ.

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According to CNBC:

“Facebook has asked several major U.S. hospitals to share anonymized data about their patients, such as illnesses and prescription info, for a proposed research project. Facebook was intending to match it up with user data it had collected, and help the hospitals figure out which patients might need special care or treatment.

“This work has not progressed past the planning phase, and we have not received, shared, or analyzed anyone’s data,” a Facebook spokesperson told CNBC.

But as recently as last month, the company was talking to several health organizations, including Stanford Medical School and American College of Cardiology, about signing the data-sharing agreement.

The issue of patient consent did not come up in the early discussions, one of the people said. Critics have attacked Facebook in the past for doing research on users without their permission. Notably, in 2014, Facebook manipulated hundreds of thousands of people’s news feeds to study whether certain types of content made people happier or sadder. Facebook later apologized for the study.

Health policy experts say that this health initiative would be problematic if Facebook did not think through the privacy implications.

“Consumers wouldn’t have assumed their data would be used in this way,” said Aneesh Chopra, president of a health software company specializing in patient data called CareJourney and the former White House chief technology officer.”

Now, you see, Facebook said they received no data from the healthcare facilities, yet, the Sokolove Law firm just sent letters to their clients & others stating that Facebook had, in fact, come into possession of medical records. That means Facebook would have come into possession of the data illegally.

Here is a photo of one of the letters that a reader sent to us. We blurred out the reader’s personal info & the case number.

As you can see, the letter states there were privacy “breaches” at the healthcare facilities. It also states that Facebook received “patient’s personally identifiable information,” and that the sharing of that information is illegal! Facebook didn’t know they weren’t supposed to receive the data? Really? Or they knew & took it anyway? They broke the law! That is for sure!

Facebook stated that they had not received any medical records. Here’s the company’s statement to CNBC:

“Last year Facebook began discussions with leading medical institutions, including the American College of Cardiology and the Stanford University School of Medicine, to explore whether scientific research using anonymized Facebook data could help the medical community advance our understanding in this area. This work has not progressed past the planning phase, and we have not received, shared, or analyzed anyone’s data.”

“Last month we decided that we should pause these discussions so we can focus on other important work, including doing a better job of protecting people’s data and being clearer with them about how that data is used in our products and services.”

Now, we see, according to Sokolove Law, Facebook is either mistaken or lying outright. I guess we’ll find out which when they are in court! Break the law, pay the price!

Visit & help triple-amputee vet Brian Kolfage take on social media giants like Facebook for censorship! Free speech for all!

Check out these alternatives, or learn to be a good little slave

If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard or seen conservatives pine for a free-speech alternative to Facebook, I could retire a very wealthy man.  Recently, as we and others have reported, Facebook — the site appropriately dubbed “Iron FistBook” by cartoonist A.F. Branco — has engaged in what can only be called a digital version of “Kristallnacht,” appearing to target mostly conservatives, punishing them for daring to earn a living through their hard work.

Whenever we report these abuses — and that’s what they are — conservatives wonder when someone is going to create a free speech alternative.

The truth is, there’s already several in operation just waiting for you.

take our poll - story continues below
  • Should military force be used to stop the caravan of migrants marching toward the U.S. border?  

Latest: CNN op-ed suggests 'sex strike' before midterms to help Democrats

Here’s just a few (with many thanks to our friend Jeff Dunetz, for putting quite a bit of this together):

SITE                           URL  Who Is It For
Codias      Conservatives
MEWe  All ideologies but no censorship
Mumbl It #maga and #redwave #trump #patriots!
Deplorables On Line If you have to ask…
ProAmerica Only Conservative patriots, Trump supporters
Trump Book Do you really have to ask?
Tea Party Community Conservatives
Social Cross Anyone who follows the Judeo-Christian worldview
Minds All ideologies, no censorship
OneWay Similar to Minds and MeWe, features top conservative news sites
Gab A Twitter alternative but is currently down

There are other sites, and we will add them as we find them.  If you know of an alternative not listed here, please let us know in the comment section below.

Granted, none of these sites have the reach Facebook has.  But think about it — Mark Zuckerberg didn’t start with two billion users.

So what are your choices?  You can jump ship, or maybe you’re one of those who love being under Mark Zuckerberg’s thumb.  Fine — that’s your choice.  Maybe you like being treated like someone out of George Orwell’s “1984.”  Perhaps you need someone to tell you what to think, or what you’re allowed to see.

But the choice is yours.  You can use more than one social media site, get off Facebook completely, or stay on Facebook exclusively.  But if that’s your choice, remember — you’re not a customer, you’re the product.

Worse yet, you’re Facebook’s slave…

And if that’s your choice, don’t complain when you get abused… And trust us, you will.

Facebook thought
This is a joke, but could it become a reality on Facebook in the future?

And to be clear, we’d like to see Facebook get squared away, because it is a fantastic tool with great potential.  But the current enforcement regime — which more resembles the “Thought Police” — looks more like something out of Orwell’s classic novel.  And it doesn’t appear the company is ever going to change for the better.